Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy 10th Anniversary Regis and Kelly!

I am not the type to watch a lot of TV.  I can barely sit in one place for a second if I don't have anything to do- but with LIVE...it is a different story.  I can't believe that it has been 10 years since Kelly Ripa first joined Regis.  This show has been my favorite since as far back as I can remember so I couldn't help but create my own little tribute and congratulate them on 10 GREAT fun years of brightening our mornings (or nights if you had to Tivo it like me!).  I have watched these two since Kelly first came on air (even watched the Kathie-Lee years) and have loved every minute of it.  I am enjoying having the mornings off this spring because that means I don't have to watch my morning show at night-I get to watch it LIVE :)    I am very saddened to hear this is Regis' last year-he will be missed!  Happy 10th Anniversary Regis and Kelly!


  1. Very Cute representation of them!!
    I used to watch it a lot when Kathy Lee was on,
    but somehow got out of the habit....altho, I have
    seen it a few times. It is a nice clean show,
    which is so great for these days.
    I have just discovered the Nate Berkus show the last few days, and have enjoyed that. I am not a very big tv watcher really, but I like to watch Dr. Oz too, once in a while. Good Info!
    Have a great weekend hon,
    Thanks for coming by and I agree with you.....
    those folks need tons of prayer and we need to
    always be grateful for all that we have, and it is so easy to take all the normal everyday gifts we have for granted.
    God is soooooooo good to us!! and we need to keep praying for our country as well, cause it is only because we have a christian nation that our lives are soooooo good!!
    Blessings Galore Sweetie,
