I want to wish a happy birthday to one of the most precious people I have ever known-my mom.
MOM. Friend. Comforter. Decorator. Therapist. Doctor. Nurse. Seamstress. Gardener. Makeup Artist (for dance recitals:). Cook. Chauffeur. Teacher. Caregiver. Mind Reader. Guide. Cheerleader. Encourager. Judge. Jury. Referee. Employer. Santa Clause. Tooth fairy. Easter Bunny. My valentine. Guardian angel...
She is all of these things and more.
The list goes on and on but the bottom line is-my mother is everything. She has always put herself last and her children first. When I look back, I don't know how she made three children each feel just as loved, special, and important as she did for my brother, sister, and I. We all feel equally close to her and have millions of special moments that we have shared treasured in our memories forever. I can't wait to make more memories! She has lead me to salvation and taught me from an infant of God's grace, mercy, and love (the most important thing she could ever teach me.) I hope that not just her birthday, but everyday is as special and beautiful as she is. She deserves it all! I love you mom! :) Happy Birthday!!
Clockwise from Left: go dragons (her cheerleading team), dragonflys and coffee (favorites), flowers, jewelry (she loves to make jewelry and loves the color purple), chloe (she has a yorkie), writing (she is a great writer), in the garden, loves to read (especially Nicholas Sparks!), jazzy(she has a persian)
Can't you tell that she is beautiful to be around? Just look at the things that make me think of her!
Also in The Radiant World of Whimz...
For a wild fashion find go to Embellishing Fancies
Doll up your handsome Fido by clicking here or by going to My Fair Fido