Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year, New You

                                   New Year
I have really struggled with what I think about NeW yEaR REsOluTioNs...are they only made to be broken?  Are they beneficial?  I still haven't really decided but I do know that there is just something about seeing a new year and new possibilities that I can't resist.  So here are my hopes for the new year...

My 2012 New Year Resolutions:
-Make it through my LAST full year of grad school
-Save money
-See my husband as much as possible (He work in Pennsylvania, I am in North Carolina…)
-Work out more (of course)
-eat “cleaner” & drink more H2o (horrible at the water thing…)
-Read the entire Bible
-PRAY more!
-Be positive!

While many of us are eager to renew and refresh for this NeW yEaR ahead, we need to keep in mind that we have a fresh start each morning that we wake up! We don't have to wait until the clock strikes midnight on New Years Eve to better ourselves...isn't that empowering?  Each day that God gives us is a blessing and a new page in our lives just waiting to be written with achievements, growth, and sweet memories!  Ahhhh I just love the sound of that.  While I surfed different blogs and twitter this morning, I found some great ideas from one of my favorite celebrities, LaUrEn COnRad, about maintaining those resolutions!  She had some great ideas that I must share...
                                                                                        Lauren's Blog<3
"When I say last, I mean right up until midnight on December 31st 2012."

Here’s how I’m going to DO it:
  1. I made sure my resolutions are things that can be measured or checked off. They are all realistic and definitely attainable. I did this because whenever I make vague resolutions like, “Take more chances!” they end up being grandiose statements, which I never follow through with…
  2. I wrote them down right here. I remember things better this way. 
  3. I am going to re-read them once a month by setting a reminder on my phone. I don’t know if this is the best idea. It will probably get annoying. At least this way I won’t be able to escape them until they’ve been accomplished.
What do you think?  Would this help you to keep the resolutions you have made?  I think I may try this myself!
Until Tomorrow...

Cassidy <3