Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Fair Fido: Dog Days of Summer

Hi whimzies,
I hope you all are having a great day!  I had a job interview yesterday for a waitressing job at a nearby mountain resort.  I am bittersweet about bidding farewell to my "lazy days of summer," however, I am thankful for a possible job opportunity and will be getting Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday's off!  Maybe I can see if my Penny will like something like this for our days off at the lake...hmmmmm

(Sorry about the picture quality)

Think your pooch would like something like this?  You can find these poochie floats at:


Penny at the lake last week=-)

Have a great day!  See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cassidy,
    Hope you get this hon, today is Sept. 23rd in case it doesn't say so!
    I was so happy to hear from you..........and wanted to say thanks for stopping by and also if
    you do come by make sure to check your blog for a comment back or if you want send me your email address, cause I would love to keep in touch.
    You can email me privately too, if you look on my right side bar, where it says contact me.

    Anyway, was tickled to hear from you sweetie.

    Well, you have your priorities right, cause that Grad school is gonna do much more for your life
    than blogging. I have missed it tho, I have to say!! but certainly understand why.....and wholeheartedly agree. Maybe once Grad school is finished you can pick it up again or just post every so often..............

    Hope all is going well with you and hubby,
    and that you have a Wonderful Fall Season,
    Blessings, Nellie
