Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fabuolus Finds: My Exciting Pottery Barn Find!

Good morning whimzies!
I don't know about where you live, but here in the mountains of North Carolina it is supposed to reach 90 degrees today!  It appears that summer is paying us an early visit...I won't complain!

I am so excited to share my first ebay experience with you.  I am a Pottery Barn addict, and I have several pieces because I am pretty good at hunting up bargains in either the sale's part of the store or online.  My ebay find was no different!  I have been eyeing these Holman shelves from Pottery Barn for about a year now....

 I never could afford them because I needed two and they were around $85 a piece.  What a surprise and blessing it was to run across these shelves on ebay for $39 a piece from dealmakers usa!  WOW...I couldn't resist (it was such a good deal that I put it on my credit card eekkk...my hubby just LOVED that - but hey he gave me permission ;) And he did love the shelves once they were here.  With GREAT excitement I present to you the newest addition of our home:  

And if you know me you will understand...  I just can't wait until Christmas so I can create a magical wall display such as this one from Pottery Barn!!!!  (Stay tuned...wink wink)


  1. Hi Cassidy,
    Love your new shelves and you did a great job
    accessorizing them sweetie.
    I really like that look too! Very Pretty, but yea, shelves are a bit pricey.

    some years back I got my son to make me some bistro shelves for Christmas, and he did a dynomite job on them. Our house has a vaulted ceiling in the family/diningroom area, and those walls way up there just looked so empty and I could never find just the right thing to put there and then I saw some shelves in a ballard catalog, but they were way out of my league, so
    bless his lil heart...........he fixed that problem, and they are still looking good, I probably could stand to rearrange them tho, but
    I really like how they look! So....maybe not!! lol
    Have fun with yours. It is such fun to fluff your nest!! lol
    Blessings, Nellie

  2. Thanks Nellie! I have had plenty of time to plan how I wanted them accessorized! haha :) That is awesome that you have someone to make things like that...I would LOVE that! I have a blast decorating my home, it lets me get out my love of interior design (my first major in college :) Thanks for stopping by have a great day!
